Investing in the citizens of today and tomorrow


First Bank Richmond, Inc. Community Foundation was established to benefit the communities in which First Bank Richmond operates.  The Foundation’s board members include Kathryn Girten, Bruce Daggy, Garry Kleer and Lindley Mann.  Executive officers include Garry Kleer, Chairman/President; Kathryn Girten, Vice President/Treasurer; and Beth Brittenham, Secretary. 

The Foundation is being funded with the intention of investing in the future of the market areas served by the Bank with the overall objective to fund projects or activities which improve the quality of life in these communities by investing in the citizens of today and tomorrow.  The primary focus of the Foundation will be in the following major areas: economic development, education, health & human services, youth programs, the performing and visual arts, and traditional community contributions. 

We are excited to award grants early each year.  

Grant Inquiries

Submit this form and we'll get back with you to find out more about your organization.

Grant Application Requirements

  • The Foundation anticipates making grants in market areas served by the Bank and the communities served by the Bank’s branches.
  • The grant application is open to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, other non-profit status, or relevance directly related to our funding priorities.

Please contact Kimberly Poinsett, Executive Director of First Bank Richmond Community Foundation, at (765) 973-4258 for grant-related questions or more information.