News and Updates from First Bank Richmond

First Bank contributes to Richmond Parks and Recreation

Written by Susan Richwine | Wed, Jul 29, 2020

Richmond, Indiana – First Bank Richmond announced today that they will donate $10,000 to Richmond Parks and Recreation during the month of July 2020. The contribution supports the organization’s mission to grow the city’s built environment, connect the city’s destinations, protect the city’s natural resources and to celebrate the city’s offerings and accomplishments. These funds were specifically allocated to implement a new playground at Starr Park (311 North 15th Street). The addition of this park will make a huge impact to families within the area by promoting physical and mental well-being.

"First Bank has been instrumental in what we have been able to accomplish here at Richmond Parks and Recreation.  From supporting programs to playgrounds and everything in-between, we know their community centered focus is what makes them who they are.  We are lucky to have a bank that values their parks and what parks can provide to YOU.  First Bank is the definition of a community supporter and they continue to amazing us with their generosity." - Denise Retz, Park Superintendent, Richmond Parks and Recreation 

“First Bank’s donation toward the Starr Park Playground restoration follows contributions we’ve made over the past few years toward the new Middlefork Reservoir Playground and new Pickleball Courts at Clear Creek Park. We’ve also been a sponsor of many of their programs and events. Contributions to the Parks Department go directly back into the community and the new playground at Starr Park will serve many families and children in that area.” - Kimberly Poinsett, Vice President – Community Relations, First Bank Richmond

First Bank Richmond is committed to be an integral partner to the communities in which they serve.  Since 1887, not only have they provided their community with sound financial products and services, they have also fostered a philanthropic commitment that has made a significant impact through the dedication of their organization’s resources, talents and time. This commitment is facilitated through the following channels:

  • Financial support pledged through contributions and event sponsorships. In 2019, they proudly donated more than $400,000 to local not-for-profit organizations.
  • Board/employee leadership and participation with local not-for-profit organizations. Last year, 65% of their staff served on a board or a committee and collectively volunteered over 3,000 service hours to local not-for-profit organizations.
  • Donations (in-kind) and fundraising efforts to promote local initiatives.

For more information concerning First Bank Richmond’s Community Foundation or local sponsorships and contributions, please contact Ms. Kimberly Poinsett, Vice President Community Relations at 765-973-4258 or


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First Bank Richmond is an Indiana state-chartered commercial bank headquartered in Richmond, Indiana. The bank was originally established in 1887 as an Indiana state-chartered mutual savings and loan association. First Bank Richmond provides full banking services to individuals and businesses through its eight branches located in Indiana and five branches and one loan production office in Ohio. The Ohio offices currently operate as Mutual Federal, a division of First Bank Richmond.